Managing Pain with Diet
The body is self healing.
The body is limited to the resources we give it.
Pain = Inflammation
If you have pain, you have inflammation.
What is inflammation
Inflammation is your body’s way of trying to heal. It functions to immobilize an area of injury, flood it with nutrients, and keep repair cells moving in and out of the tissues via the fluids. Chronic inflammation occurs when the body’s attempts to heal itself are incomplete. This can happen for multiple reasons.
Steps For Reversing Pain and Inflammation
The healing system of the body can be imagined as a construction crew repairing a highway. Your body is the land and highways. The construction crew is your immune system - the natural repair and maintenance system of your body.
In order to perform repairs this crew needs to be given the proper tools and materials to build with, plenty of energy, and a way to get rid of trash.
Keep blood sugar level with regular meals and snacks
Put good stuff in - eat like your great grandma
Drink enough water - If you’re thirsty, drink
Take bad stuff out - eat like your great grandma
Stress Reduction - rest
How to keep your repair and maintenance crew working well:
Keep blood sugar level with regular meals and snacks - Give them what they need to work hard- eat at regular intervals. When blood sugar energy goes down dramatically your cells run low on energy. This slows the healing process. When blood sugar energy goes up too high the body will over compensate and create more inflammation, creating more work for the repair crew.
Put good stuff in - Give them good materials to build new structures with - eat vitamin and mineral rich foods.
Drink enough water - If you’re thirsty, drink - Keep transport (waters) flowing by staying hydrated. When water does not flow well in the body, wastes can build up in the area of pain. Imagine trying to build a structure without the ability to throw anything away.
Take bad stuff out - Remove extra work the crew might have to do by reducing and avoiding foods that cause unneeded inflammation. Every person is different and may respond differently to all foods, however, there are some foods that very commonly will increase whole body inflammation and make painful areas worse. (Also be careful of chemicals, additives, and preservatives in foods. Read labels - If you cant pronounce it, eat with caution.) It may be useful to try an elimination diet.
Stress Reduction - Allow your crew to rest- continual stress creates unneeded generalized inflammation. This will keep your repair crew distracted from it’s job.
Triage Theory: Vitamins and nutrients will be used by the most critically important organs first. If there is none left over the other organs and tissues (including muscles) will become deficient, and have trouble healing.
Take Bad Stuff out - Reduce and Limit: Painful Foods
The 5 most inflammatory (pain causing) foods are: Sugar, wheat, corn, soy, and dairy. Next on the list are bad fats and chemicals.
Sugars: High fructose corn syrup and refined sugar
Grains: Wheat and Corn and things made from wheat or corn (contain lectins inhibit digestion)
Soy: Causes inflammation
Dairy: WILD CARD: Some people should eliminate all dairy.
Bad Fats: Canola oil, Soy oil, Cottonseed oil, Vegetable oil / Crisco / Margarine
Chemical: Processed, Packaged, and Fast Foods- Full of chemicals and dangerous fats
Instant Soups/ Ramen, Many Frozen Dinners and Pizzas, Packaged Sauces and Salad Dressings (Read the labels)
Watch labels for: MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) some people are sensitive to this, Artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives
Another wild card is Night Shade Vegetables: Some people are sensitive to these. Watch out for these with joint pain and insomnia. They include tomatoes, most peppers, eggplant, potatoes, and paprika.
Well, now what the heck do I eat?
Healthy Fats (Building Blocks and Glues)
Good Fats for Cooking - Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Organic Butter, Peanut Oil, Organic Animal Fats
Good Fats for Salads- Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Avocado Oil, Walnut and Pecan Oil
Good Fat Foods- Avocado, Nuts, Seeds, Pasture Raised Eggs, Coconut
PROTEINS- (Building Blocks)
Good- Pasture Raised Eggs, Fish (wild caught is healthiest, but caution, this is sometimes not a sustainable practice), Pasture raised Organ Meats, Bison, Buffalo, Beef, Pork, Chicken (Only pasture raised will help fight inflammation)
VEGETABLES- Above Ground
All vegetables that grow above ground feed your crew. These are especially good ones to fight pain and inflammation.
Dark Leafy Greens like: Spinach, Dandelion, Turnip Greens, Spring Salad Greens, , Kelp, Watercress,
Cruciferous: Kale, Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts
Sea and Water Vegetables: Kelp, Nori, Seaweeds, watercress.
VEGETABLES- Below Ground
All vegetables that grow below ground EXCEPT POTATOES keep your crew moving smoothly and help to transport waste out of the body.
Beets, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Radish, Parsnips, onion, garlic.
Rich in vitamins and minerals, these are fuel and tools for your repair and maintenance crew. Watch your serving size!
Low Sugar- Serving size 1 cup - all Colorful Berries
High Sugar but Anti-inflammatory - Serving size 1/2 cup - Pineapple, Papaya, Mango
Good Fats - Unlimited - Avocado and Olives
Obligatory Disclaimer: I am a licensed medical professional. I am not a licensed physician, councilor, or psychologist. It is recommended you check with your health care professional or get a personalized consultation with ahh Wellness before starting any new supplements, diet changes, exercise programs, and definately before changing any medications. You are responsible for your health. This is not medical advice.