Tips to Calm Anxiety
These times can be rough. But there are things we can do.
We are all dealing with higher levels of fear and anxiety on a daily basis. This means our adrenal glands are pumping out tons of adrenaline and cortisol and keeping us revved in fight-flight-freeze mode. It means our nervous systems are set to high alert all the time. However, there are a few simple things that really help take it down a notch. Here are some things that many people have found helpful.
(Obligatory Disclaimer: I am a licensed medical professional. I am not a licensed physician, councilor, or psychologist. It is recommended you check with your health care professional or get a personalized consultation with ahh Wellness (by phone) before starting any new supplements.)
Eat Food- During stress our bodies need more fuel. When possible eat regular meals and keep healthy snacks on hand. This is the time to make sure your body knows there is food available. When food is in short supply (whether in reality or in perception) our bodies naturally create signals of alert and danger. These signals feel like anxiety. Our definition of healthy food may have to be a little flexible right now. Make the best choice available to you.
A note on Fasting- Take great care. Fasting has been shown to increase immune function - after suppressing immune function. Here’s a link to fasting recommendations. Pay attention to your body. Keep it short. If you feel more anxious, stop fasting and eat something.
Drink water - Any perceived lack of water by the body will translate to the subconscious mind as a signal of danger- anxiety. This danger signal will keep the body pumping more adrenaline. Stay hydrated! Half your weight in ounces of non-caffeinated liquids per day.
Deep breaths- Slow deliberate breaths send signals to the body that everything is ok (even if it seems like it’s not.) This calms the fight or flight response by activating nerves deep in the lungs/diaphragm. Take 3-5 deep breaths - in through the nose - out through the mouth. Then breathe normally for a bit and try again.
Calcium - This mineral calms and cools. It takes the edge off that buzzy feeling of over-stimulation and grounds you. It supports adrenal function. It supports white blood cell production for immune function. It feels cooling during a fever. Foods high in calcium are almonds, leafy greens, raw broccoli, beans, sesame seeds, sardines, and salmon. I take calcium citrate and/or calcium lactate. Follow the dosage instructions on the label. For some really in-depth calcium info click here.
B Vitamins - This vitamin fuels and calms. During stressful times our bodies use up large amounts of B-Vitamins, especially B-12. Multiple body mechanisms require B vitamins for proper functioning- including the nervous system. Foods high in B-Vitamins include dark leafy greens, liver, seafood, meats, and sprouted grains. Alcohol consumption depletes B Vitamins as do certain medications including birth control. In-depth B-vitamin info found here.
Chill Out- Do something else. Play games, meditate, pray, nap, run, yoga, make love, make food, find distraction, walk, play with your pet, your kids, your partner. Do anything but sit with your thoughts.
Reach out - Talk to a friend. Seek help from a councilor. Get some hypnosis, acupuncture, or nutrition counseling. Find a helper to guide you.
There are so many more things we can do to take the edge off of the anxiety. Times may feel really desperate but there is always something we can do. Remember, it’s not about curing the anxiety, just lessening the symptoms, calming the nervous system, and being able to breathe. Ahh wellness services specializes in helping people suffering from anxiety. Let us know how we can help you.